Welcome Message

Please take a few minutes to read this message to all of you: http://kadetskyfamilyhistory.blogspot.com/2009/12/welcome-to-kadetsky-family-history-blog.html

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Genealogy resources and websites

Another great resource for genealogy and history buffs is the http://www.museumoffamilyhistory.com/ , which has evolved tremendously in the last few years, and offers lots of great information on individual families AND the places they came from, links to sites of interest to Jewish genealogists and anyone who wants to know more about how our ancestors lived!

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Steve Lasky for all his help - not only to my family, but to so many other people - for his great knowledge and willingness to share and advise and teach any of us who approached him!  The Genealogical community is generous, helpful and in the years I have been a part of it, it has been a privilege to get to know so many people so open to exchanging data, tips, information....  And of course, to meet relatives! 

http://www.jewishgen.org/ is another fantastic site, whose members are always available to advise and guide newer researchers through the jungle of data, databases and also with interpretation of data gathered.  So many wonderful Genners have given their time to help me find a record, communicate with our Polish "cousin" and so many other acts of kindness.  They have found records that I had overlooked in my inexperience, have helped me to figure out what was meant by a sloppy comment or handwriting, devoted their time out of the wish to be helpful. 

Another website where help can be found is Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness or http://www.raogk.org/, Hundreds (or more) of volunteers exchange thir time "paying it forward", looking up records in archives, taking graveyard pictures, in general, helping others in their search for that elusive ancestor!

If you know of any other sites of interest, please share them....

1 comment:

  1. Here are more free resources on the web: they have the Massachusetts records available for free! (BMD)

    Jewishgen has a Ellis Island manifest search that is much better than the Ellisisland.org search,

    For NYC records try:
