Welcome Message

Please take a few minutes to read this message to all of you: http://kadetskyfamilyhistory.blogspot.com/2009/12/welcome-to-kadetsky-family-history-blog.html

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Welcome to the Kadetsky Family History Blog

Our connections keep expanding and increasing, making this blog a logical progression, so that we can all share our family history and find the missing links between KADETSKIES, as we all seem to have originated in the same place (Biezun, Poland)and so are related at some point or another.
Please contact us at Kadetskyfamilyhistory@gmail.com regarding anything to do with Kadetsky genealogy.

The Authors of this blog are all descendents of Kadetskies and each contributes the information gathered while researching the history of the KADETSKY family.  At the time of the creation of this blog we have identified several main branches of the surname:  one remained in Poland and we will work on that to see how we all interconnect.  Another one entered the US in 1871 and branched into diffferent areas including New York and Boston.  Then another branch entered the US in 1879 and after spending a few years in NY, settled in Boston.  Another one moved to Israel.  And then there are the ones that changed the name to Kadet, Kay, Cadetz, etc., and that need to be connected to their respective ancestors. 

Gary Lelonek will upload the information he has gathered and connect us to Israeli Kadetskies.  He is descended from Pessia Kadetsky of Biezun, Poland.

Mark Hallerman is descended from Rachel Kadetsky of Biezun, Poland, who was Pessia's sister.

Steve Morris and Jenni Hymoff share a common great-great-grandfather - R'Yitchak Yehoshua - of whom we as yet know nothing more than his name and two of his children, Abraham Joseph (Steve's great-grandfather) and Hadel Esther /Adeline (Jenni's great-grandmother) and that they came to the US in 1879 from Poland.

As we add authors and contributions we will explain who is related to who. 

Please feel free to contribute, either as author or by sending the authors things so we can upload them.   This blog will be as accurate and interactive as we all can make it.

We hope you'll become as fascinated and hooked as we are!  


  1. I am trying to follow all this. I know from Jenni that we share the same great grandfather, Abraham Kadetsky, who married Shifra. One of their sons was Isaac who was my grandfather. Isaac's son was Bernard who was my father. I am trying to see how I fit in the tree. I know the man in the back row our left looks like a photo I have of Isaac. If anyone has this on Ancestry.com, I can add my pieces. I remember the uncles Jack, Louis, and a Pauline...
    Linda Kadetsky Levine

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My father (David Neiman) was a Rabbi in the Boston area for many years (1970s-1990s). While going thru some boxes after his death, I came across an autograph book belonging to a Miss Ethel F. Kadetsky of 91 Intervale St., Roxbury, Mass. from 1921. If anyone knows who this is and would like this book, please let me know and I will send it on.

    Thank you - Rina Neiman (rinaz@mindspring.com)

  4. My Uncle Jack Givel was a partner with the Kadetsky family of East Chicago Indiana in the business named Reliable Clothing on Chicago Avenue in East Chicago, Indiana. As I remember it was a tailor shop. I have an ad from the store is anyone in interested. My Grandmother was Anna Givel and lived in East Chicago. The Givel family was from Chorzele and Plock, Poland.

    1. TYSM for posting. I enjoy learning about the family history beyond the census, birthdays and death dates. I would like to see the ad. You can email me at gary.lelonek@med.einstein.yu.edu
