Welcome Message

Please take a few minutes to read this message to all of you: http://kadetskyfamilyhistory.blogspot.com/2009/12/welcome-to-kadetsky-family-history-blog.html

Monday 23 August 2010

Unknown Kadecki Relatives


img011 taken at the grave of Rachael Leah Kadecki in the early 1930s when my Grandfather Abraham Wolman went back to Biezun and visited his mother's grave. 3 people in that photo are unknown to me.

Of the 3 people in img052, the gentleman looks to be one of the ones in the other photo at the graveside, and the identity of the two girls are unknown as well.

My mother's notes on the back of the img052 photo states all 3 were lost in the camps, but were Kadecki relatives.

Sunday 8 August 2010

Sussman Kadetsky 1905 NYC Census

Sussman Kadetsky (45yo) 1905 Census at 709 Columbus Ave. Living at home were his wife Julia (44yo),Anna (22yo), Benjamin (20yo), Isaac (18yo), Bella (16yo), and Charles (14yo). Also living with them were Harry Soule (32yo) and Jacob (2yo).