Welcome Message

Please take a few minutes to read this message to all of you: http://kadetskyfamilyhistory.blogspot.com/2009/12/welcome-to-kadetsky-family-history-blog.html

Saturday, 26 December 2009

Another Treasure - the Abraham Joseph Kadetsky Family portrait

Thanks to Stephen Morris, grandson of Louis Kadetsky for providing the picture; Linda Kadetsky Levine and Isabelle Kadetsky Paul who identified them all for us,  

In the picture, in the centre, Shifra (Celia) and her husband, and around them, assumedly oldest to youngest, back to front - Isaac, Jacob (Jake), Louis, Benjamin, Flora (Mrs. Benjamin Spellman), Charles, Morris, Isidor/Irving.

The newspaper article already shown on the blog probably used this same picture as the clothes are the same. So maybe we can assume it was taken for their 50th Anniversary, December 24, 1929.  However, two sons, Irving and Benjamin, died in 1917 and 1919, so either they are not in this picture or it was taken previous to their demises (what I suspect is  the latter). 

If anyone wishes to place exact names to exact faces, please let us know... 

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Chaya Kadecki from Sierpc marriage certificate

This is a marriage certificate for Chaia Kadecka to Gersza Grabkewicz in 1903 that I requested from the Sierpc Archives. She and her husband are of unknown relatonship to known Kadetskys but the families match up with Chaskel Kadecki and Ryfka Grabkewicz who married in Sierpc in 1900.

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Benjamin Kadetsky Boston Graduation

Here is a listing of the 1904 Graduates of Bunker Hill School from 1901 in the Annual report By Boston (Mass.). School Committee

Diplomas of Graduation


William J. Boyce,
James R. Brough,
James P. Buckley,
Edward F. Donovan,
George A. Fellows,
James J. Fitzpatrick,
George C. Flyc,
William E. Flynn,
Henry J. Foster,
William H. Gilman,
Raymond S. Joyce,
Benjamin Kadetsky,
Frank J. Lowder,
Paul F. Mason,
Wilbur L. McEnery,
Charles H. McMenimen,
James H. Meaney,
Arthur J. Mullen,
Charles A. Nicholson,
Elmer G. Page,
William H. Quigley,
Harold F. Reed,
Charles Smith,
John J. Sullivan,
Edward G. Tyng,
William H. Welch,
Herbert S. Wilson.

Benjamin Kadetsky Buffalo NY

The following is found in the google book search from the "Bulletin By American Newspaper Publishers Association" Dated 1904

The above is conducted by Benjamin Kadetsky. He is a married man about 46 years old, and has been in business at the present location since December last, at that time succeeding the Isham Taylor Company.

On interviewing the above he stated that he is doing a prosperous business and is meeting all obligations promptly. He has two stores in Buffalo and one factory which was his former tailor shop. He also has a store in Akron, Ohio. He declines to give any information further than this. Locally, he is regarded as a man of good reputation and ability.

Sunday, 20 December 2009

Harry Soule and Anna Kadetsky Headstone

Photo courtesy of Joel Lelonek. Harry and Anna Soule are buried in Mt Carmel Cemetery. Anna's insciption reads Chaya bat Alexander. Harry's inscription reads Tzvi Hersch ben Avraham Moshe Hakohen. Harry was a Kohen.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Harry Soule, Sussman Kadetsky son in law, newpaper bio

History of Cambria County, Pennsylvania
John E Gable: Historical Publishing Company, 1926 - Pages 441-479
Transcribed 08 March 2007 by Martha A Crosley Graham

Harry Soule, furrier and ladies tailor, is a progressive and enter prising business man of Johnstown. He was born in Poland, Jan. 12, 1875, and is the son of Abraham and Tena (Fluster) Soule.
Abraham Soule came to this country from Poland at an early date and settled in St. Louis, Mo., where he engaged in the shoe business for a number of years. He is now retired. Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Soule : Harry, the subject of this sketch ; Sarah, lives in Poland ; Nathan, a tailor, lives in St. Louis, Mo.; Max, a merchant, lives in St. Louis, Mo. ; and Yetta, at home.
In March, 1892, Harry Soule came to the United States. He spent eight years in Boston, Mass., and later lived in Albany, N. Y., and New York City, where he engaged in the tailoring business. He has conducted his present business in Johnstown since 1911, and before that time was associated with George K. Kline, merchant. Mr. Soule has an extensive business and is reliable in his work.
On Aug. 17, 1902, Mr. Soule was married to Miss Anna Kadetsky, of New York City. They have four children, as follows : Jacob Brown, associated in business with his father; Nellie, a student in New York University ; Sidney and Herbert Henry, both at home. Mr. Soule is a Republican and holds membership in the Beth Zion Temple of Johnstown.

Genealogy resources and websites

Another great resource for genealogy and history buffs is the http://www.museumoffamilyhistory.com/ , which has evolved tremendously in the last few years, and offers lots of great information on individual families AND the places they came from, links to sites of interest to Jewish genealogists and anyone who wants to know more about how our ancestors lived!

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Steve Lasky for all his help - not only to my family, but to so many other people - for his great knowledge and willingness to share and advise and teach any of us who approached him!  The Genealogical community is generous, helpful and in the years I have been a part of it, it has been a privilege to get to know so many people so open to exchanging data, tips, information....  And of course, to meet relatives! 

http://www.jewishgen.org/ is another fantastic site, whose members are always available to advise and guide newer researchers through the jungle of data, databases and also with interpretation of data gathered.  So many wonderful Genners have given their time to help me find a record, communicate with our Polish "cousin" and so many other acts of kindness.  They have found records that I had overlooked in my inexperience, have helped me to figure out what was meant by a sloppy comment or handwriting, devoted their time out of the wish to be helpful. 

Another website where help can be found is Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness or http://www.raogk.org/, Hundreds (or more) of volunteers exchange thir time "paying it forward", looking up records in archives, taking graveyard pictures, in general, helping others in their search for that elusive ancestor!

If you know of any other sites of interest, please share them....

Sussman Kadetsky tree

First Generation

1. Israel Morris (Yisrael Moshe) Kadetsky.

Israel Morris (Yisrael Moshe) married Sarah E. Sobel.

They had the following children:

2 i. Sussman Shmuel (Alexander) (Mar 23, 1859-Jun 1, 1942)

ii. Chaim. Born in 1869.

Ellis Island Ship Manifest:

Chaim Kadezky arrived at Ellis Island on November 16, 1904 on the Oscar 2. He last resided in Russia and was joining his brother S. Kadetsky at 709 Columbus Ave in NYC.

Second Generation

2. Sussman Shmuel (Alexander) Kadetsky (Israel Morris (Yisrael Moshe)1). Born on Mar 23, 1859 in Poland. Sussman Shmuel (Alexander) died on Jun 1, 1942; he was 83. Buried on Jun 3, 1942 in Mt Carmel, LI. Immigrated in 1874. Occupation: Merchant Sailor.

In 1882 when Sussman Shmuel (Alexander) was 22, he married Julia (Gitel) Brown, daughter of Jacob Brown & Hannah Cohn. Born on Jan 24, 1860 in New York. Julia (Gitel) died on Jul 10, 1926; she was 66. Buried on Jul 12, 1926 in Mt Carmel, LI. Alias/AKA: Ahuva.

They had the following children:

i. Anna. Born in Oct 1883 in Manhattan, New York. Anna died on Sep 17, 1957; she was 73. Buried in Mt Carmel, LI.

On Aug 17, 1902 when Anna was 18, she married Harry Soule, son of Abraham Moses Soule & Nattie Fluster, in Manhattan, NY. Harry died on Jan 10, 1960. Buried in Mt Carmel, LI.

ii. Bernard B. (Benjamin). Born in Jun 1885 in Manhattan, NY. Bernard B. (Benjamin) died on Nov 17, 1971; he was 86. Buried in Mt Carmel.

Changed name to Kay.
Baruch ben Isaac.

On Jun 29, 1913 when Bernard B. (Benjamin) was 28, he married Freida Kristall, daughter of Emanuel Kristall & Rebecca Kaufman, in Brooklyn, NY. Born on Dec 10, 1884. Freida died on Aug 24, 1930; she was 45.

iii. Irving Isaac (Yitzchak). Born on May 20, 1887 in Manhattan, NY. Irving Isaac (Yitzchak) died on May 5, 1963; he was 75. Buried in Mt Carmel, LI.

On Jul 21, 1914 when Irving Isaac (Yitzchak) was 27, he married Sophie (Saska) Mate, daughter of Selig (Oshyia Zelig) Mate & Esther Weiss, in Manhattan, NY. Born on Aug 5, 1894. Sophie (Saska) died on Jun 10, 1960; she was 65. Buried in Mt Carmel, LI.

iv. Belle (Biela). Born in Jun 1889 in Manhattan, New York. Belle (Biela) died on Feb 26, 1973; she was 83. Buried in Mt Carmel, LI.

Biela bat Zussman.

On Dec 25, 1913 when Belle (Biela) was 24, she married Bernard (Berel) Nacht, son of Leo (Natah Leib) Nacht & Minnie Rosenberg, in Manhattan, NY. Bernard (Berel) died on Jun 24, 1969. Buried in Mt Carmel, LI.

3 v. Charles (Mar 1891-)

Third Generation

3. Charles Kadetsky (Sussman Shmuel (Alexander)2, Israel Morris (Yisrael Moshe)1). Born in Mar 1891 in Manhattan, New York.

On Mar 5, 1922 when Charles was 31, he married Esther Isaacs, daughter of Michael Isaacs & Flora, in Bronx, NY. Born in 1888.

They had the following children:

i. Florence R. Born in 1910 in Allentown, VA.

On Sep 25, 1935 when Florence R. was 25, she married Henry Gottlieb, son of Meyer Gottlieb & Hannah Cohen, in Bronx, NY. Born in 1907 in Bronx, NY.

ii. Ehrna Gertrude. Born in 1917 in Manhattan, NY.

On May 22, 1937 when Ehrna Gertrude was 20, she married Arthur Schwartz, son of Bernie Schwartz & Rebecca Feldman, in Manhattan, NY. Born in 1906 in Manhattan, NY.

Flora parent of spouse of 3

Jacob parent of spouse of 2
Julia (Gitel) spouse of 2

Hannah parent of spouse of 2

Esther spouse of 3
Michael parent of spouse of 3

Anna child of 2
Belle (Biela) child of 2
Bernard B. (Benjamin) child of 2
Chaim child of 1
Charles 3
Ehrna Gertrude child of 3
Florence R. child of 3
Irving Isaac (Yitzchak) child of 2
Israel Morris (Yisrael Moshe) 1
Sussman Shmuel (Alexander) 2

Sarah E. spouse of 1

Bella (Kadetsky) and Bernard Nacht Headstones

Buried in Mt Carmel. Photos courtesy of Joel Lelonek.
Bella's inscription reads:
Biela bat Sussman. died 2/26/1973.
Bernard's inscription reads:
Berel ben Nata Leib

Buried nearby are Bella's parents Sussman and Julia Kadetsky.

Irving and Sophie Kadetsky Headstone

Buried in Mt Carmel. Double stone. Photo courtesy of Joel Lelonek.
Irving's inscription reads:
Yitzchak ben Ahuva (mother's name translated from Julia)
Sophie's inscription reads: Saska bat Oshyia Zelig.

Bernard (Kadetsky) Kay and Freida Kay Heastones

Buried in Mt Carmel. Changed name from Kadetsky to Kay. Photos courtesy of Joel Lelonek.
Bernard's inscription reads:
Baruch ben Isaac. Died 11/17/1971.
Freida's inscription reads:
Freida Kay nee Kristall.
Buried nearby are Bernard parents, Sussman and Julia Kadetsky.

Sussman and Julia Kadetsky footstones

Sussman Shmuel (Alexander) Kadetsky and Julia Brown are buried in Mt Carmel. Photos courtesy of Joel Lelonek.
Sussman's plaque reads:
Alexander ben Shmuel Moshe, born 3/23/1859, died 6/1/1942.
Julia's plaque reads: Gitel bat Yaakov, b. 1/24/1860, d. 7/10/1926.
Buried in the same area are daughter Anna Soule, son Bernard Kay, son Irving Kadetsky and daughter Belle Kadetsky.

Fannie Kadetsky Headstone

Buried in Mt Lebanon with Benyamin Josef Kadetsky's family. Relationship unknown. Photo courtesy of Joel Lelonek.
Inscription reads:
Faiga bat Mechel, died 5/16/1966.

Ida (Kadetsky) and Max Eisenberg Headstone

Buried in Mt Lebanon. Photo courtesy of Joel Lelonek.
Ida's inscription reads: Chaya bat Benyamin Yosef, died 22 Adar 5730, March 30, 1970.
Max's inscription reads: Elimelech ben Eliezer, died 13 Adar 5724, April 25, 1964.
Buried nearby are Ida's parents Benyamin Yosef and Adele Kadetsky.

Hyman and Clara Kadet Headstones

Hyman and Clara Kadet doublestones and their son Harry's headstone in Mt Lebanon cemetery. In the same area is Hyman's parents, Benjamin Josef and Adele Kadetsky's headstones. Photos courtesy of Joel Lelonek.
Hyman's inscription reads:
Chaim ben Benyamin Yosef, died 1980.
Clara's headstone reads:
Chaia bat Meyer, deied 1991.

Harry's headstone reads:
Tzvi Yehuda ben Chaim.
(Likely named after his great grandfather, Tzvi Aryeh)

Benjamin Josef and Adele Kadetsky Headstones

Benjamin Josef and Adele Kadetsky are buried in Mt Lebanon Cemetery. Photos courtesy of Joel Lelonek.
Benjamin's headstone reads:
Benyamin Yosef ben Tzvi Aryeh, died 11th of Shevat 5698, January 13, 1938.
Adele headstone reads:
Aydel bat Yeshaya, died 27t of Adar 5716,March 10, 1956.

Dora (Kadetsky) and Abe Diamond Headstone

Dora and Abraham Diamond double stone at Mt Hebron. Photos courtesy of Joel Lelonek.
Dora (kadetsky) Diamond's headstone reads: Devorah bat Shmuel, died 25 Tevet 5731, January 25, 1971. Abe Diamond's headstone reads; Avraham ben Nata Leib died 24 Elul 5711.

David and Gussie (Kadetsky) Orlick Headstones

David and Gussie Orluck's headstones in Mt Hebron Cemetery. Photos courtesy of Joel Lelonek.
Gussie's headstone reads: Gitel Bluma bat Shaya Aziel. She died 24th of Sivan 5703. David's headstones reads: Esteemed father, Chaim David ben Moshe. Died 23 Tamuz 5686.

Samuel and Hessie Kadet Headstone

Samuel and Hessie Beila Kadet Headstone in Mt Hebron Cemetery. Photos courtesy of Joel Lelonek.
Sam's hebrew name is Shmuel ben Shaya Aziel. Died the August 16, 1942 the 3rd of Elul 5702. Hesse's hebrew name is Ester Biela bat Moshe Aharon. She died October 18, 1945, the 12th of Cheshvan 5706.

Abraham Leib and Toba Kadetsky Headstones

Below are Abraham Leib and Toba Kadetsky's headstones. This is likely Abraham 1903. They are both buried in Mt Judah. His death certificate confirm his father's English name was Israel.

His headstone reads

Our precious father
Complete man and honest, god fearing
Kept Shabbat according to Jewish law
Busied himself with community needs faithful
Spread out his generosity to the destitute

Abraham Leib ben Yeshaya Aziel

Passed away 12 Cheshvan 5687
Abraham Kadetsky
Died 10/20/1926
Age 58 years (estimated year of birth 1868) 

Toba Kadetsky headstone reads:

A woman of honor and modesty

Toba bat Shmuel Yehudah
Toba Kadetsky
28 Shevat 5711

Died 2/4/1951
87 years old
Photos courtesy of Joel Lelonek.

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

1904 Abram and Jacob Kadecki

Abram Kadecki (20/single) traveled with Jacob Kadecki (25/married) arrived at Ellis Island on 11/16/1904 on the Frankfurt from Biezun, Russia. They joined their Aunt- R Bloam at 135 Plaue? St, Newark NJ.

Kadetsky NYC Archives

These are my notes from a visit to the NYC Archives in 11/2009. At the time I did not realize 2 things; 1 that I would be posting these notes or 2 that any kadetskies before records before 1896 would be valuable to me. So when I was running short on time I prioritized those records that I thought would yield the most info.
I colored coordinated the records. An orange check connects to Sussman Kadetsky tree. A pink check connects to Shaya Aziel Tree. A yellow check connects to Benjamin Yosef Kadetsky tree. A blue check could connect to Shaya Aziel Kadetsky or some other family research that I was doing for other branches of my tree. The list was built based on searchs on the http://www.italiangen.org/Default.htm website.

2 other notes:
I see there is an Irving Kadetsky who died in Manhattan who is connected to Abraham Josef Kadetsky and Celia Rachel from Boston.

There are several records connected to a Jacob Kadetsky and Anna/Chane. There is a Benjamin Kadetsky and Anna that appears several times as well. Unknown relation to known Kadetskys at this time.

Please leave comments about any connection that you can make.

Smulek Kadetzky 1914

JewishGen offers us the following via the HIAS record database

KADETZKY, Smulek age 27, arrived in US on January 20, 1914 and went to "Brother-in-law: D. BRAVSMAN or BRAWSMAN, 1711 W. Taylor, Chicago, IL

His birth-year would have been around 1887. 

Yaacov, Shayna and Chaia Kadecki

The following are posted on the Yad Vashem Database by Tzvi Kadetsky living in Israel in Ramat Gan in 1955. Tzvi is Yaacov and Shayna's son, chaia's brother. Yaacov (Jacob) parents are listed as Tzvi Yehuda and Rivka Rachel. Yaacov was born in Biezun, Poland in 1888. He was married to Shaina Blumen.

Philip Bloom of Massachusetts in 12/1976 also filled out a yad vashem page of testimony for Shaina Blumen Kadetsky.

Lea Zielanowska nee Kadetzki from Yad Vashem Database

Lea Zielanowska nee Kadetzki was born in Biezun in 1891 to Tzvi and Ester. She was married to Moshe. Prior to WWII she lived in Szerpic, Poland. During the war she was in Szerpic, Poland. Lea perished in 1941 in Szerpic, Poland at the age of 50. This information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted on 25-Apr-1957 by her sister-in-law.

Full Record Details for Zielanowska Lea

Source Pages of Testimony
First Name LEA
First Name GITEL
Maiden Name* KADETZKI
Father's First Name TZVI
Mother's First Name ESTER
Mother's First Name RAKHEL
Sex Female
Date of Birth 1891
Age 50
Marital Status MARRIED
Spouse's First Name MOSHE
Permanent residence SZERPIC,POLAND
Place during the war SZERPIC,POLAND
Date of Death 1941
Type of material Page of Testimony
Submitter's Last Name BLEKHMAN
Submitter's First Name KHANA
Relationship to victim SISTER-IN-LAW
Registration date 25/04/1957

Second Josef Kadecki in Yad Vashem Database

Full Record Details for Kadezki Josef

Source Pages of Testimony
First Name JOSEF
First Name YOSEF
Sex Male
Date of Birth 1910
Marital Status MARRIED
Spouse's First Name BILA
Spouse's Maiden Name* DZIALDOV
Name of 1st Child BARUKH
Age of 1st Child 5
Type of material Page of Testimony
Submitter's Last Name MIKHELSON
Submitter's First Name MORDEKHAI
Relationship to victim COUSIN
Registration date 12/07/1955

Jozef Kadecki in Yad Vashem Database

Jozef Kadecki was born in Biezun. He was a merchant and married to Khana nee Rizhover. Prior to WWII he lived in Poland. During the war he was in Zuromin, Poland. Jozef perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted on 18-Oct-1955 by his brother-in-law. His wife and son's information is posted as well.

Jacob Kadecki (b. 1806) Tree

First Generation

1. Jakob Kadecki 1. Born in 1806. 1

Jakob married Frimet Zysmanow1. Born in 1806.1 Frimet died in 1855; she was 49.2

They had the following children:
2 i. Abram Hersz (1828-)
ii. Izrael Moszek1. Born in 1833 in Biezun, Poland.1
iii. Benjamin1. Born in 1836 in Biezun, Poland.1
iv. Itta1. Born in 1836 in Biezun, Poland.1
In 1857 when Itta was 21, she married Jciek Jozef Berkinski 3, son of Moska Berkinski & Brudeky.3 Born in 1837.3
v. Jcick1. Born in 1840 in Biezun, Poland.1 Jcick died in Biezun, Poland, in 1844; he was 4.1
vi. Rywen1. Born in 1845 in Biezun, Poland.1 Rywen died in Biezun, Poland, in 1855; he was 10.2

Second Generation

2. Abram Hersz Kadecki1. Born in 1828 in Biezun, Poland.1

In 1848 when Abram Hersz was 20, he first married Chana Chaya Garbel2, daughter of Liber Mosida Garbel & Gitla Dymkowski.2 Born in 1829.2 Chana Chaya died in 1852; she was 23.2

They had one child:
i. Jcick Mosick2. Born in 1849 in Biezun, Poland. Jcick Mosick died in Biezun, Poland, in 1857; he was 8.3

In 1853 when Abram Hersz was 25, he second married Bajla Brana Garbel2, daughter of Liber Mosida Garbel & Gitla Dymkowski.2 Born in 1831.2


1. “JRI Poland PSA 730157.”
2. “JRI Poland PSA 730158.”
3. “JRI Poland PSA 702625.”

Jcka Kadecki (b. 1750?) ben Abramowicz Tree

First Generation

1. Abramowicz Kadecki.

2 i. Jcka

Second Generation

2. Jcka Kadecki 1.

Jcka married Bayla Izraelo, daughter of Izrael Izraelo. Born in 1758.1 Bayla died in 1838; she was 80.1

They had the following children:
i. Hana1. Born in 1790. 1
Hana married Berk 1.
3 ii. Estera (1810-)
4 iii. Roza (1816-)

Third Generation

3. Estera Kadecki1. Born in 1810 in Biezun, Poland.1

In 1829 when Estera was 19, she married Jankief Lato1, son of Mortka Lato & Gity Nusenow.1 Born in 1805.1

They had one child:
i. Ita Gitla2. Born in 1834 in Biezun, Poland.2
Ita Gitla married Nuta Frydlender2, son of Abram Izrael Frydlender & Hana Nutow. Born in 1832.2

4. Roza Kadecki 1. Born in 1816.1

In 1834 when Roza was 18, she married Mosek Jcick Pozmantyer 1, son of Jcka Marka Pozmantyer & Lieba.1 Born in 1811.1

They had the following children:
i. Bayla1. Born in 1840.1
ii. Gitla2. Born in 1849.2


1. “JRI Poland PSA 730157.”
2. “JRI Poland PSA 730158."

Monday, 14 December 2009

Szlamowicz Kadecki Tree circa 1770?

This tree seems to be important to the American Kadetskys. It is based on the Biezun Records from the early 1800s.
1. Jacob Kadetsky who died in 1906 in Boston lists his parents and Elias Kadetsky and Gertrude Lashinsky, which matches #4 below.
2. Shaya Aziel Kadetsky may match the Szaia listed as a child to couple number 4. The birth year matches what would be expected for Shaya Aziel and his grandparents names match his first 2 children's names.
3. Isaac Kadetsky of boston who came over in 1880 whose parents were Shmuel and Rosa could match the Szmul who is the son of #2 Abram Kadetsky. Isaac birth year in 1854 would be a year after his father died in 1853?

I will post other old kadetsky tree from the Biezun records in the coming days.

First Generation

1. Szlamowicz Kadecki1,2,3.

2 i. Abram

Second Generation

2. Abram Kadecki (Szlamowicz1)1,2,4,3.

Abram married Nuchy1,2,4,3, daughter of Eliazow. Born in 1785.1 Alias/AKA: Jekow?

They had the following children:
3 i. Estera Ryfka (1817-)
4 ii. Eliasz (1825-)
iii. Szmul1. Born in 1833 in Biezun, Poland.1 Szmul died in Biezun, Poland, in 1853; he was 20.3
Szmul married Blima Rojza Garbel3.

Third Generation

3. Estera Ryfka Kadecki (Abram2, Szlamowicz1)2,5,6,7. Born in 1817.2,5,6

In 1838 when Estera Ryfka was 21, she married Jakob Rotsztein2,5,6,7, son of Hersz Rotsztein & Sura, in Biezun, Poland.2 Born in 1814.2,5,6

They had the following children:
i. Elia Rotszteyn5. Born in 1842 in Biezun, Poland.5
ii. Zyel Zaymel Rotszteyn6. Born in 1844 in Biezun, Poland.6
iii. Jcick Szmul Rotszteyn7. Born in 1847 in Biezun, Poland.7 Jcick Szmul died in Biezun, Poland, in 1849; he was 2.8

4. Eliasz Kadecki (Abram2, Szlamowicz1)4,9,10. Born in 1825.4

In 1844 when Eliasz was 19, he married Gitla Laja Lacinski4,9,10, daughter of Jakub Szaia Lacinski (1791-) & Udel Kadecki (1790-), in Biezun, Poland.4 Born in 1824.

They had the following children:
i. Szaia 1845. Born in 1851 in Biezun, Poland.
ii. Hersz10. Born in 1851 in Biezun, Poland.10
iii. Nycha11. Born in 1858 in Biezun, Poland.11


1. “Szmul Kadecki Birth Record,” 1833, Biezun, Poland, akt 45, 730157, Mormon.
2. “Estra Ryfka Kadecki and Jacob Rotsztein Marriage Certificate,” 1838, Biezun, Poland, akt 60, 730157, Mormon Church.
3. “Szmul Kadecki Death record,” 1853, Biezun, Poland, akt 2, 730158, Mormon Church.
4. “Eliasz Kadecki and Gitla Laja Lacinski Marriage record,” 1844, Biezun, Poland, akt 3, 730157, Mormon Church.
5. “Elia Rotzteyn Birth Record,” 1842, Biezun, Poland, akt 331, 730157, Mormon Church.
6. “Zyel Zaymel Rotszteyn Birth Record,” 1844, Biezun, Poland, akt 58, 730157, Mormon Church.
7. “Jcick Szmul Rotszteyn BIrth record,” 1847, Biezun, Poland, akt 11, 730158, Mormon Church.
8. “Jcick Szmul Death Record,” 1849, Biezun, Poland, akt 12, 730158, Mormon Church.
9. “Szaia Kadecki birth Record,” 1845, Biezun, Poland, akt 20, 730158, Mormon Church.
10. “Hersz Kadecki Borth Record,” 1851, Biezun, Poland, akt 25, 730158, Mormon Church.
11. “Nycha Kadecki Birth Record,” 1858, Biezun, Poland, akt 4, 702625, Mormon Church.

Henry (Tzvi Aryeh) Kadetsky Tree

First Generation

1. Henry (Tzvi Aryeh) Kadetsky1,2.

Henry (Tzvi Aryeh) married Ray Karnish.

They had one child:
2 i. Benjamin J. (Benjamin Yosef) (1870-Jan 13, 1938)

Second Generation

2. Benjamin J. (Benjamin Yosef) Kadetsky (Henry (Tzvi Aryeh)1)1,2,3,4,5. Born in 1870 in Poland.1,2 Benjamin J. (Benjamin Yosef) died on Jan 13, 1938; he was 68.1 Buried in Mt Lebanon Cemetery.1 Immigrated in 1910.2

Benjamin J. (Benjamin Yosef) married Adele6,3,4,5, daughter of Yeshaya. Born in 1868.6 Adele died on Mar 10, 1956; she was 88.6 Buried in Mt Lebanon Cemetery.6

They had the following children:
3 i. Hyman (Chaim) (1890-Sep 7, 1980)
ii. Ida (Chaya)3. Born in 1896 in Warsaw, Russia.3 Ida (Chaya) died on Mar 30, 1970; she was 74. Buried in Mt Lebanon Cemetery.7 Immigrated on Oct 15, 1910 to Ellis Island.3
On Dec 24, 1916 when Ida (Chaya) was 20, she married Max (Elimelech) Eisenberg8,4, son of Lazar (Eliezer) Eisenberg & Lea Finger, in Brooklyn, Kings, NY.4 Born in 1892 in Galcia, Austria.4 Max (Elimelech) died on Apr 25, 1964; he was 72.8 Buried in Mt Lebanon Cemetery.8

Ellis Island Ship Manifest:
Chaim (20) and Chaje (17) Kadetsky arrived at Ellis Island on October 15, 1910 on The Amerika from Dobrsyn, Russia. They were living with their mother Adel and joined their father Benjamin Kadetsky at 108 New York St. They list their birth place as Biezun.3

Third Generation

3. Hyman (Chaim) Kadetsky (Benjamin J. (Benjamin Yosef)2, Henry (Tzvi Aryeh)1)9,3,10,5. Born in 1890 in Plock, Russia.3,10,5 Hyman (Chaim) died on Sep 7, 1980; he was 90.10 Buried in Mt Lebanon Cemetery.10 Immigrated on Oct 15, 1910 to Ellis Island.3

Changes name to Kadet.10

On Mar 26, 1918 when Hyman (Chaim) was 28, he married Clara (Chaya) Schnapp11,5, daughter of Meyer Schnapp & Anna Sonenslein, in Brooklyn, Kings, NY.5 Born in 1898 in Galcia, Austria.11,5 Clara (Chaya) died on Feb 3, 1991; she was 93.11 Buried in Mt Lebanon Cemetery.11

They had one child:
i. Harry L. (Tzvi Yehuda)9. Born on Apr 4, 1919.9 Harry L. (Tzvi Yehuda) died on Mar 4, 1946; he was 26.9 Buried in Mt Lebanon Cemetery.9


1. “Benjamin J Kadetsky Headstone,” 1/13/1938, Mt Lebanon Cemetery.
2. “Benjamin J Kadetsky Death Certificate,” 1/13/1938, Brooklyn, NY, 1043, NYC Archives.
3. “Chaim and Chaje Kadetski Ship Manifest,” 10/15/1910, Ellis Island.
4. “Ida Kadetsky and Max Eisenberg Marriage certificate,” 12/24/1916, Brooklyn, 15720, NYC archives.
5. “Hyman Kadetsky and Clara Schnapp Marriage certificate,” 3/26/1918, Brooklyn, NY, 5761, NYC Archives.
6. “Adele Kadetsky Headstone,” 3/10/1956, Mt Lebanon Cemetery.
7. “IDa Eisenberg Headstone,” 3/30/1970, Mt Lebanon Cemetery.
8. “Max Eisenberg Headstone,” 4/25/1964, Mt Lebanon Cemetery.
9. “Harry Kadet Headstone,” 3/4/1946, Mt Lebanon Cemetery.
10. “hyman Kadetsky Headstone,” 9/17/1980, Mt Lebanon Cemetery.
11. “Clara Kadetsky Headstone,” 2/3/1991, Mt Lebanon Cemetery

Jacob (Yaakov) Kadetsky ben Shaya Aziel

Born in Oct 1877 in Russia/Poland. Jacob (Yaakov) died on Sep 21, 1961; he was 83. Buried in Washington Cemetery.

Yaakov ben Shaya Aziel. based on the JewishGen burial registry that had documentation connecting him to Adele Rosenstein.

Jacob (Yaakov) married Martha (Masha) Eisenberg, daughter of Abraham Eisenberg & Hinde Kikoler. Born in 1883. Martha (Masha) died in Manhattan, NY, on Jan 23, 1929; she was 46. Buried on Jan 24, 1929, in Washington Cemetery.

They had the following children:
i. Bertha. Born in 1905.
On Nov 18, 1929, when Bertha was 24, she married Benjamin Buffard, son of Harry Buffard & Rachel Greenfeld, in Manhattan, NY. Born in 1900 in Passaic, NJ.
ii. Fannie. Born on Aug 2, 1912, in 49 Louise St. Fannie died in Manhattan, NY, on Jul 30, 1913; she was <1 .="" 1913="" 31="" br="" buried="" cemetery.="" in="" jul="" on="" washington="">
Ellis Island Ship Manifest:
On June 1, 1907, Mashe Kadecka (28) arrived at Ellis Island with Bluma Rochel (2) on the Main. They joined their husband/father at Broome Str.

Yad Vashem Records for Chaskel's Family

Chaskel Kadetzky's family:
Ryfka Grabkewicz bat Uziel Moshe was married to Chaskel Kadetzky. born in 1880 in Sierpc as recorded by her daugher Ita Lipschitz.

Bina Czarny as per her sister, Ita Lipschitz was bprn in 1903 in Sierpc Poland to Chaskel and Ryfka Kadetzky. She married Shmuel Czarny, born in 1903 to Isaac and Rivka Czarny. he was a merchant. They had 2 sonsAvraham born in 1929 and Yitzchak born in 1938. They were all murdered in 1941. Charles Lelonek's records confirm this info.

Gita Leja; As per sister Ita lipschitz was born in 1906 to Ryfka and Chaskel Kadetzky in sierpc poland. She was an embrioderer. She was single and died in 1941.

Moshe Kadetzky; Ryfka and Chaskel Kadetzky's son. He was 27? and married to Shaina. He was born in Sierpc as per Charles Lelonek. As per sister Ita Lipschitz, moshe was born in 1917. He was married to Rivka Shaina Vluka. He was a merchant.

Rakhel (Rachel) Kadetzki was born to Yekhezkel and Rivka. Prior to WWII she lived in Sierpc, Poland. Rakhel perished in the Shoah. This information is based on a List of victims from Yizkor books found in the Memorial Book of Kehilat Sierpc (Hebrew, Yiddish), Tel Aviv 1959 page 572.

Masza Kadecki was born in Sierpc in 1911 to Yekhezkel and Rivka. She was a sales person and single. Prior to WWII she lived in Sierpc, Poland. During the war she was in Sierpc, Poland. Masza perished in 1941 in Sierpc, Poland. This information is based on a Page of Testimony submitted on 05-May-1955 by her sister and the list of victims from Yizkor books found in the Memorial Book of Kehilat Sierpc (Hebrew, Yiddish), Tel Aviv 1959 page 572.