Bluma Rosa Kadetsky's headstone and death certificate have 2 dates of death. The death certificate shows her death on March 21, 1910, while her headstone has February 22, 1910. It appears whoever commissioned the headstone had the wrong English date.
An additional complication is that 1910 was a Jewish leap year. Since 1910 was a Jewish leap year, there were 2 months of Adar, 1 & 2. So the correct Yahrzeit for Bluma Rosa Kadetsky is March 21, 1910 is the 10th of Adar 2.
In the 1900 US Census (see below), she is living with her daughter Adaline Hymuth. She was born in 1832. She had 6 children, 2 of whom were still alive. She is listed as married for 50 years. She arrived in 1880.
Two more pieces of the puzzle for Bluma Rosa Kadetsky:
There is a death record in Beizun for
Szmul Kadecki in 1853, listing his widow as Bluma Roza Kadecki.
Isaac was born the following year.
It is highly likely that Bluma Roza Kadecki married a second time. It is very common in those times for a brother to marry his brother's widow. Perhaps Bluma Roza married Yitzchak Hoshua and had Abraham Joseph Kadetsky and Adeline Kadetsky.
Additionally, in the 1910 US Census Adeline Hymoff (Waters), nee Kadetsky lived at 191 Magnolia St., next door to Bluma Rosa Kadetsky. Living next door to her elderly, 82 year old, mother would make a lot of sense (as documented on Bluma Rosa Kadetsky's death certificate. see previous post).