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Saturday 2 January 2016

Isaac Kadetsky's (1854-1891) hebrew name was Azriel Yeshaya!

Google has lead me to an unexpected find. I google Sam Kadets and found this link http://web.mit.edu/justom/Public/Erica/QuincyDisplay-to-press.pdf
In the tiny print about the now closed Beth Israel Synagogue in Quincy Massachusetts is a list of yahrzeits that were memorialized on plaques in the Beth Israel sanctuary, including Sam and Jennie Kadets, Isaac (1854-1891) and Dora Kadetsky' oldest son. Amazingly their death info has been a mystery to me. But this gets a little crazy since this records that Samuel Kadets's hebrew name was Shmuel the son of Azriel Yeshaya. Meaning that Isaac Kadetsky's hebrew name was Azriel Yeshaya. This adds further evidence that Isaac Kadetsky (1854-1891) is in fact the son of Szmul Kadecki from Biezun who died before his only child was born in 1853. Szmul's brother, was Eliasz Kadecki. Eliasz Kadecki's first born son was Shaya Aziel Kadecki, my grandpa Charlie's grandfather. My grandfather's hebrew name was also Shaya Aziel!


  1. Hi there - the link to the QuincyDisplay-to-press.pdf is not working... has it been moved? I found someone I've been researching, Jacob Asnes in relation to this document too and would love to look at it! Any help is greatly appreciated!

    1. I just used the above link and it took me to the pdf document. I see that Jacob Asnes's Hebrew name was Yaakov ben Meyer Volf. Died 5/17/1951, 11 Iyar 5711. The following other Asnes are listed Annie R. Asnes
      חנה רבקה בת ר מאיר וואלף
      כ״ט חשון תשי״ז 1956, 3 November
      B. Asnes
      ר בן-ציון בר שלמה הלוי אשנאס
      הושענא רבה תש״ד 1943, 20 October
      Edward Asnes
      יהודא אידל בר שלמה הלוי
      January 2, 1947 בטבת עשרה
      Esther M. Asnes
      אסתר מ׳ בת ר בן-ציון הלוי
      ה׳ אלול תש״ל 1970, 6 September
      Gertrude Asnes
      גיטל בת ישראל
      י״א אב תשמ״ז 1987, 6 August
      Harold Asnes
      צבי בן זאב הלוי
      ט׳ טבת תשנ״ו 1996, 1 January
      Hyman Asnes
      חיים ב״ר יעקב
      ט״ו אדר א׳ תשמ״א 1981, 18
      Lena J. Asnes
      לאה טשערנא בת ציון הלוי
      כ״ח סיון תשמ״ב 1982, 19 June
      Meyer W. Asnes
      מאיר וואלף בן יעקב
      י״ז אלול תשמ״ו 1986, 21 September
      Morris Asnes
      משה בר בן בציון הלוי
      כ״ב אדר תשט״ז 1956, 5 March
      Rose Asnes
      רחל בת ר זאב
      כ״ח חשון תשכ״א 1960, 18 November
      Samuel Asnes
      שלמה דוד בר יהודה אידל הלוי
      ד׳ שבט תשל״ז 1977, 23 January
      Sarah Asnes
      שרה בת זאב וואלף
      י״ח תשרי תרע״ט 1918, 23 September
