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Monday, 29 October 2012

Sierpc Yizkor Book- Moshe Kadetsky Shoah Holocaust Victims

The New York Public Library has a wonderful collection of Yizkor Books that has been digitalized and post online. The Sierpc Yizkor book can be found at by clicking here or by copying the following url http://yizkor.nypl.org/index.php?id=2590

Thank you to the The Communirty of Sierpc; Memorial Book, Kehilat Sierpc; Sefer zikaron project coordinators, Sandra Krisch and Dorothy Lipsky for organizing the translation for the yizkor book. It is an ongoing project. Donations can be made through the Jewishgen website by clicking here. For anyone interested in volunteering with the translation can contact the project coordinators on the Sierpc Yizkor book page where the chapter translations have been posted. http://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Sierpc/Sierpc.html

Efraim Talmi Vaaluka (Wloka), the editor of the yizkor book, records the murder of his brother in law Moshe Kadetsky and sister Shaania Rivka Vaaluka on page 591 along with his parents and 2 other siblings. Charles Lelonek records on the Yad Vashem Daf Ed page for Moshe Kadetsky that Moshe was his cousin. Moshe's parents, Yechzkiel and Rivka Kadetsky were murdered by the Nazis. Yechzkiel's father was Shaya Aziel Kadecki of Biezun, Poland.

For a full necrology of the Kadetskys from Sierpc who were murdered in the Holocaust click here.

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