Welcome Message

Please take a few minutes to read this message to all of you: http://kadetskyfamilyhistory.blogspot.com/2009/12/welcome-to-kadetsky-family-history-blog.html

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Thanks to Avotaynu I was directed to this great website:  it is only in Polish but shows how the borders of Poland kept changing - this is important for establishing where our ancestors were really from:  Germany?  When?  Poland?  What period? 


Just click on the centuries marked at the bottom and the borders will adapt to the time frame chosen. 

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Biezun Kadecki/a Records from Polish State Archives 1877-1902

With the help of Stan Zeidenberg from the Biezun record project from JRI, I received an extensive list of 59 Kadecki records from 1877-1902. I requested those records from the PSA Mlawa, Warsaw and worked with Marta Jaszczyńska who kindly confirmed and copied the records for me. Finally Mark Halpern, from the JRI "help email address," helped me figure where a snafu happened with my request and helped me locate a "missing" 40 pln from the payment to the polish archives. After much waiting and way too many emails, I received 59 Kadecki records on the evening of Rosh Hashanah. I will start posting the records.

Click here for a link to a google excel spreadsheet with for the data that has been translated from the records.

Here is a link for my extracted records for the Kadecki family from Sierpc.

Here is the list that Stan sent me. What's great about the list is that it provides the polish letters from the translated name.

1857 B 4 KADECKI Lejbka KADECKI Lejbka
1857 M 9 BERLINSKI Icek Jozef BERLINSKI Icek Jozef
1857 M 9 KADECKA Itta KADECKA Itta
1857 D 11 KADECKI Icek Mosiek KADECKI Icek Mosiek
1858 B 4 KADECKA Nucha KADECKA Nucha
1858 B 13 KADECKI Ruchla Laja KADECKI Ruchla Laja
1877 D 2 КАДЕЦКАЯ Либа Ента KADECKA Liba Jenta
1877 B 4 КАДЕЦКАЯ Гитля Лая KADECKA Gitla Laia
1877 B 5 КАДЕЦКАЯ Либа Ента KADECKA Liba Jenta
1877 B 39 КАДЕЦКИЙ Янкеф KADECKI Jankef
1878 M 5 КАДЕЦКИЙ Абрам KADECKI Abram
1878 D 22 КАДЕЦКАЯ Шпринца KADECKA Szprynca
1879 B 23 КАДЕЦКАЯ Тауба Ныха KADECKA Tauba Nycha
1880 D 2 КАДЕЦКАЯ Шайна KADECKA Szajna
1880 M 7 КАДЕЦКАЯ Сура Байля KADECKA Sura Bajla
1880 M 7 САЛОМОН Вайсмель SALOMON Wajsmel
1880 B 42 КАДЕЦКАЯ Рухля Лая KADECKA Ruchla Laia
1881 B 11 КАДЕЦКАЯ Гитля KADECKA Gitla
1883 D 5 КАДЕЦКАЯ Байля Брана KADECKA Bajla Brana
1883 B 22 КАДЕЦКИЙ Абрам KADECKI Abram
1883 B 29 КАДЕЦКИЙ Вулек KADECKI Wulek
1884 B 7 КАДЕЦКИЙ Ицек Зурех KADECKI Icek Zurech
1885 B 43 КАДЕЦКИЙ Нухим Янкеф KADECKI Nuchim Jankef
1886 M 7 КАДЕЦКИЙ Абрам Лейб KADECKI Abram Lejb
1887 B 1 КАДЕЦКИЙ Аншель KADECKI Anszel
1887 B 17 КАДЕЦКАЯ Песа Байля KADECKA Pesa Bajla
1887 B 26 КАДЕЦКАЯ Блима Файга KADECKA Blima Fajga
1888 D 3 КАДЕЦКАЯ Ныха KADECKA Nycha
1889 B 11 КАДЕЦКИЙ Хаим KADECKI Chaim
1890 B 1 КАДЕЦКАЯ Хана KADECKA Chana
1891 M 4 КАДЕЦКАЯ Гитля Блима KADECKA Gitla Blima
1891 M 4 ОРЛИК Давид ORLIK Dawid
1891 D 26 КАДЕЦКАЯ Хана KADECKA Chana
1892 M 4 КАДЕЦКИЙ Бенямин KADECKI Beniamin
1892 M 4 НУСЫН Малка NUSYN Malka
1892 B 8 КАДЕЦКИЙ Мойсе KADECKI Mojse
1893 D 10 КАДЕЦКИЙ none name KADECKI none name
1893 D 11 КАДЕЦКАЯ Байля KADECKA Bajla
1893 B 21 КАДЕЦКИЙ Янкеф Ицек KADECKI Jankef Icek
1894 M 4 КАДЕЦКАЯ Хана Хая KADECKA Chana Chaia
1894 M 4 НЕССЕ Абрам Лейб NESSE Abram Lejb
1894 D 36 КАДЕЦКИЙ Абрам Герш KADECKI Abram Gersz
1894 D 65 КАДЕЦКИЙ Элияш KADECKI Eliiasz
1894 D 70 КАДЕЦКАЯ Хая KADECKA Chaia
1895 B 1 КАДЕЦКИЙ Бенямин Герш KADECKI Beniamin Gersz
1896 M 2 ГРОДКО Хена Байля GRODKO Chena Bajla
1896 M 2 КАДЕЦКИЙ Шмуль KADECKI Szmul
1896 B 3 КАДЕЦКИЙ Абрам Герш KADECKI Abram Gersz
1896 M 5 КАДЕЦКАЯ Гитля Лая KADECKA Gitla Laia
1896 B 6 КАДЕЦКАЯ Лая Гитля KADECKA Laia Gitla
1896 B 13 КАДЕЦКАЯ Хая KADECKA Chaia
1896 B 37 КАДЕЦКАЯ Айдля KADECKA Ajdla
1897 D 4 КАДЕЦКИЙ Абрам Герш KADECKI Abram Gersz
1897 B 12 КАДЕЦКАЯ Двойра KADECKA Dwojra
1897 D 28 КАДЕЦКАЯ Гитля Лая KADECKA Gitla Laia
1898 B 7 КАДЕЦКАЯ Хана KADECKA Chana
1898 B 20 КАДЕЦКИЙ Рафаель Хаим KADECKI Rafajel Chaim
1898 B 29 КАДЕЦКИЙ Мошек Арон KADECKI Moszek Aron
1900 D 14 КАДЕЦКИЙ Шая Зиель KADECKI Szaia Zijel
1902 M 4 ВАКСМАН Абрам Мошек WAKSMAN Abram Moszek
1902 M 4 КАДЕЦКАЯ Тауба Ныха KADECKA Tauba Nycha
1902 B 34 КАДЕЦКАЯ Гитля Байля KADECKA Gitla Bajla
1902 B 48 КАДЕЦКАЯ Церка KADECKA Cerka

Monday 23 August 2010

Unknown Kadecki Relatives


img011 taken at the grave of Rachael Leah Kadecki in the early 1930s when my Grandfather Abraham Wolman went back to Biezun and visited his mother's grave. 3 people in that photo are unknown to me.

Of the 3 people in img052, the gentleman looks to be one of the ones in the other photo at the graveside, and the identity of the two girls are unknown as well.

My mother's notes on the back of the img052 photo states all 3 were lost in the camps, but were Kadecki relatives.

Sunday 8 August 2010

Sussman Kadetsky 1905 NYC Census

Sussman Kadetsky (45yo) 1905 Census at 709 Columbus Ave. Living at home were his wife Julia (44yo),Anna (22yo), Benjamin (20yo), Isaac (18yo), Bella (16yo), and Charles (14yo). Also living with them were Harry Soule (32yo) and Jacob (2yo).

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Rosenstein and Wolf Kadetzky 1905 NY Census

In the 1905 NY State Census, Joseph (43) and Adel (39) Rosenstein lived at 56 Broome Street with Bertha (18), Sarah (16) and Solly (6). Boarding with them was Adele's brother, Wolf (William) Kadetzky (20). Wolf had resided in the US for 4 years.

Monday 3 May 2010

Bertha (Rosenstein) and Harry Fleisher Death Certificates

Below are Bertha and Harry Fliesher's death certificates. Bertha was Adele (Kadetsky) Rosenstein's oldest child. Both Bertha and Harry died in their 40s. I noticed that Adele and Joseph Rosenstein's 1930 US Census listed their grandchildren, Irving (14) and Helen (11) as living with them. Now with these death records, I see that both parents passed away shortly before the 1930 census. The 1920 census for the Fleishers lists them as living in North Carolina. The head of the household was Harry, Bertha is listed as the wife and the 2 children Irving and Helen are listed as well. Notice that the mother's maiden name on Bertha's death certificate is not Kadetsky, but there are many other records that indicate that this was Adele's daughter.

Saturday 10 April 2010

Jacob 1871 family burial plot

Ohavey Sedek cemetery, West Roxbury, MA.

Monday 15 February 2010

Undated photo of Pessia (Kadetsky) Lelonek

My father shared this picture of his grandparents Pessia (Kadetsky) and Izak Majer Lelonek. Likely taken after WW2 in Israel.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Chaim Kadezky 1904 ship manifest

On November 16, 1904, Chaim Kadezky (35 yo and single) arrived at Ellis Island on the Oscar 2. He last resided in Russia. He joined his brother S. Kadetsky living at 709 Columbus Ave, NY.
At that time Sussman Kadetsky lived at 709 Columbus Ave. He lived there from at least 1900 through the 1920s. Sussman's relatinship to the other NY or MA Kadetsky is still unknown. But his siblings his nephews and sister in law all lived in sierpc where Pessia (Kadetsky) Lelonek and Chaskiel Kadetsky lived from 1900 until WW2. So maybe the connection of the families lies in Sierpc. Anyone know?

Mendel Kadetski 12/18/1905 manifest

This the ship manifest for Mendel Kadetski:
On December 18, 1905, Mendel Kadetski (21 yo and single) arrived at Ellis Island on the Petoria. He last resided in Serpec, Russia. He joined his Uncle Sam? Kadecki at 709 Columbus Ave, NY.
Sussman Kadetsky lived at 709 Columbus in the 1900 census through the 1920s when his kids married. Sussman Kadetsky's relationship to the other NY and MA Kadetskys is unknown.

Benjamin Kadeki 1906 ship manifest

This is a Ellis Island ship manifest for Benjamin Kadeki:
Ellis Island Ship Manifest:
On July 14, 1906, Benjamin Kadeki (17 yo and single) arrived at Ellis Island on the Batavia. He last resided in Siepe, Russia. He joined his brother Mendel? Kadecki at (7?)09 Columbus Ave, NY.
Mendel Kadecki had come for Sierpc on 12/18/1905 and resided with his Uncle Sam Kadecki living at 709 Columbus Ave. In the 1900 US Census Sussman/Shmuel Kadetsky lived at 709 Columbus Ave.
Sussman's relationship to other NY or MA Kadetsky's is still unknown.

Heinde Kodetsky Ship Manifest, Sussman Kadetsky's sister-in-law

This is the Ellis Island ship manifest for Hinde Kodetsky and her children.

On May 22, 1907, S. Kadetsky’s sister in law, Heinde Kodetsky (32 yo), arrived at Ellis Island on the Niew Amsterdam. Her last residence was Zajeps, Russia/Poland. She left her husband and traveled with her children Abram (10 yo), Isadek? (8 yo) and Morsch (6 yo). They joined their brother-in-law/uncle S. Kodetsky at 709 Columbus Ave, NY.

Sussman Kadetsky lived at 709 Columbus Ave in the 1900 Census and was living there when he kids got married in the 1910's and 1920's as per his children's marriage records in the NYC Archives. I do not have any other records for Hinde or children and I do not know who her husband was. Many of the Sussman's siblings came from Sierpc, Poland in the early 1900s and I know my Kadetsky's moved to Sierpc from Biezun around the early 1900s, so there is hope that some record will be found connecting the families.

Friday 29 January 2010

Abram Kadecki and Pessa/Necca Karniszyn marriage record

According to the Biezun PSA archives as found on JRI Poland.
In 1878, Abram Kadecki (Абрам КАДЕЦКИЙ) married Pessa KARNISZYN (Песса КАРНИШИН).

Gussie Kadetski and Abraham Greenberg marriage record

On October 22, 1908, Abraham, D. Greenberg (25yo) and Gussie Kadetski (23yo) married in East Boston Massachusetts. Gussie lived in Everett, Jefferson, 145 St. Abraham D. Greenberg worked as a tailor and lived at Everett, Woodlawn, 39 St. Both were born in Russia. Gussie's parents were Abraham Kadetski and Pessie Karnishine. Abraham's parents were Harry Greenberg and Annie Mapactick?.

Hesse, Anschel, Eidel and Chane Kadecki Manifest 1907

Manifest courtesy of Ellis Island:
Hesse Karniszyn Kadecki (45yo) traveled with Anschel (20yo) , Eidel (11 yo) and Chane (9yo) from Biezun on the Noordam and arrived at Ellis Island on 8/20/1907. They joined their husband/father Abram Kadecki at 34 Mal? Street, Boston MA.

Abraham (1901) and Bessie Kadetsky

1920 US Census:
Abraham (b. 1862 Poland arrived USA 1091 ) and Bessie Karniszyn (b. 1862, Poland -  arrived USA 1905) lived in Massachusetts with children Arthur (b.1890, Poland), Hyman (b.1896, Poland) Kadet-

sky and Ida Mussman (b.1897, Poland).

Bloom Census 1900 Newark NJ, Abram and Jacob Kadecki manifest 1904

This is the 1900 Census image for Rachel Bloom (43yo, widowed, head of household b.1/1857) living at 155 Plane St. Newark NJ. Her sons David (19yo b. 7/1880), Joseph (17 yo b. 8/1882) and Manuel (15yo b. 8/1884) were living with her at the time. The three boys were born in New Jersey while Rachel was born in Russia. She immigrated to America in 1880.
There is a ship manifest for Abram and Jacob Kadecki who lived in Biezun who arrived on 11/16/1904. They joined their aunt (cousin is crossed out) R. Bloam at 135? Plane St, Newark NJ.
The exact relationship of Bloom and Kadetsky is still unknown. Rachel Bloom's death certificate or gravestone information would greatly help.
Rachel Bloom 1900 US Census Newark NJ:

Abram and Jacob Kadecki 11/16/1904 Ship Manifest:

Thursday 28 January 2010

Kadetsky Memorial Service held April 17, 1921

Israel/Isidor Kadetsky, seventh son of Abraham Joseph 1879 and Shifra Kaufman, died April 17, 1917 aged 25 and just two years later their fourth son Benjamin H Kadetsky died on April 28, 1919, aged 33. 

The gravestone tells us that Benjamin was married and had children - we have yet to find out who they were.  His marriage record states that Benjamin H. married Ida Kesselman on Feb, 15, 1908 in Boston.  At the time she lived at 32 Poplar Street and he at 4 Fayston street.   Both streets show up in other family records.   Benjamin's profession is given as a Leather Cutter.   His father being a Tailor, possibly they were in business together?

Louis Kadetsky married Sophia Sherman, November 7, 1906

Here we have the wedding announcement of Louis,  the third son of Abraham Joseph 1879 and Shifra Kaufman to Sophia Sherman.  A name that has not yet been placed in the Kadetsky tree appears - Rebecca Kadetsky.  Is she Jake's wife or a newcomer to our research - having a "Miss" in front of her name, seems like she is a "newcomer".

The Ushers were
Isaac K (Louis' older brother)
Benjamin K (Louis' younger brother)
Charles K (Louis' younger brother)
Abraham K (probably cousin, Isaac 1871's son)
Samuel K (probably Abraham K's brother)

Samuel Kadetsky weds Jennie Peretsky on Feb 6, 1906

Ths Samuel is almost certainly the son of Isaac 1871 and Dora Frye.    The best man was probably his brother.

Jake Kadetsky marries Rebecca Wallockstein Aug 23, 1905

Here we have Jake Kadetsky (second son of Abraham Joseph 1879 and Schifra Kaufrman Kadetsky) and Rebecca Wallockstein's wedding announcement, probably from the Jewish Advocate. On August 23, 1905 they got married and, here comes the fun part, the Kadetsky Ushers were:

Louis (Jake's brother) (Steve's gf)

Benjamin (Jake's brother)

Charles (there was a brother by that name too)

Samuel (there was no brother by that name so he must be a cousin. Isaac 1871 had a son called Samuel so that is most likely he, confirming the family relationship, whatever it might be)

Edward (Isaac 1871 also had a son by that name so we reconfirm the family ties.... )

Jack Kadetsky ((Isaac 1871 also had a son by that name so we again reconfirm the family ties.... )

B. Kadetsky (probably Isaac 1871's son Benjamin)

Louis Barkin (ring any bells?)

Samuel Arkin (seems like too much of a coincidence? Arkin/BArkin?)

S.F.Matthews (sound familiar)?

R Rubenstein (sound familiar?

and S. Wasserzug (Simon Waters - Adeline's son)

Jacob Kadetsky and Pauline Baruch - 25th wedding anniversary in 1901

 Here we see Jacob 1871 and his wife Pauline, in 1901 had three daughters at their 25th wedding anniversary celebration, Augusta (Gussie), Fannie (later Porcelain) and Rose (later Kalish). 

The Bloom family from NJ keeps popping up in our Kadetsky research and we will have to find the link to them and the Pennsylvania guests too.... 

Thursday 14 January 2010

Adolph Kadatz Naturalization

National Archives NY:
On November 13th? 1893 Adolph Kadatz took the oath of intention to become a US citizen. He was living at 200 East 38th St . He was a tailor. He arrived in NY on April? 14, 1888. He was born July? 25, 1858. I can't read to which emperor he gave up allegiance. I am unsure of his relation.

Fanny Kadetsky Naturalization

From the National Archives in NY:
Fannie Kadetsky formerly Frida Goldstein formerly Frid Krotosynsky arrived at the port of Boston MA on July 19, 1906 on the SS Saxonia.
Fanny Kadetsky of 1219 45th Brooklyn NY was born in 1881 in Beirsa, Poland. Her second marriage was to Jak Kadetsky on January 9, 1944 at Brooklyn NY. He was born in Poland in 1882 and entered Ny in 1905. He lives at the same address and was naturalized on October 1, 1923 in NY.. All her children were from her first marriage and were born in LAwrence MA but reside in NY: Essie (F b.9/2/1904 in Plotz, Poland) Jack (M b.6/1908), Betty (F b.3/15/1918), Rose (F b.2/5/1913).Signed by Esther Singer (358 S. 2nd St. Brooklyn NY) and Rose Eisenberg (1219 45th St. Brooklyn NY same address as Fannie). Citizenship granted June 20, 1944.

Clara Kadet (Klara Schnapp) Naturalization

National Archives NY:
Klara Schnapp arrived on the SS President Grant on June 10, 1914 at the port of NY. She filed as Clara Kadet formerly Klara Schnapp, living at 451 Sheperd Ave, Brooklyn Kings NY. She was born March 1, 1898 in Chwenowitz Roumania. She married Hyman on May 26, 1918 in Brooklyn NY. She lists her children as Harry (male b. 4/14/1919 in Brooklyn) and Elsie (female b.9/7/1922 in Brooklyn, NY). The children currently reside in Brooklyn. Signed Esther Lerner (742 Saratoga Ave) and Rebeka Auslander (219 Sullivan pl.)Clara became a citizen on 11/21/1944.

Hyman Kadet Naturalization

This from the National Archive in Manhattan. Chaim Kadetsky changed his name to Hyman Kadet. He was born in Biezun on January 15, 1890 and arrived on October 15, 1910 on the SS Amerika to the port of NY. He married Clara on May 26, 1918. He had 2 kids: Harry (b. 4/4/1919) and Elsie (b.9/7/1922). He resided at 451 Sheperd Ave. in Brooklyn, NY. Granted citizen ship on January 28, 1943. Witnesses: Henry Kadet (unknown relation) who lived at 248 E. 51st St. Brooklyn, NY and Max Eisenberg (Henry's B.I.L. name was Max Eisenberg) who lived 205 Atkins Ave. Brooklyn NY.

(Abraham Kadetsky/Adolph Kadet b. 10/14/1883, son of Tzvi Yehuda lived at the same residence in April 1928 as per his naturalization. Hyman Kadet's grandfather's name was Tzvi Aryeh. Hyman's son, Harry Kadet's hebrew name was Tzvi Yehuda. Relationship is uncertain.)