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Thursday, 16 February 2017

Marriage Record for my 4th great grandparents in 1814!!!! Used the patronymic last name Szlamowicz instead of Kadecki!

Thank you, Ivy Dennett Thorpe, for sharing with me the records that she had requested during her research which actually belonged to my family! The Kadecki part of my family moved from Biezun to Sierpc, Poland. The records she shared were from Biezun, Poland. I am so excited to have the marriage document of my 4G grandparents from March 21, 1814. The family was using patronymic names and adopted the surname Kadecki between 1814 and 1834 when their daughter married. Next month is their 203 wedding anniversary!

I never searched JRI Poland for patronymic surnames since I did not know when the surname Kadecki was adopted. This type of find only came about through the collaboration of fellow genealogists, JewishGen Family Finder, JRI Poland, Viewmate, and a Facebook group that I started, Sierpc Jewish Community- Descendants of the Jewish Community of Sierpc, Poland.

The following is the extracted info from the marriage record for my 4g grandparents, Abram Szlamowicz (is recorded as Kadecki on his children's documents) and Nicha Ezryelow. They had the following children Ester Ryka b. 1817 (recorded as Kadecki on her marriage registration), Pefsa b. 1819 (recorded as Kadecki on her marriage registration), Eliasz b. 1825, and Szmul b. 1833. Eliasz is my ggg gf who married Gita Laja Lacinski. They had Shaya Aziel (my gg gf), Jacob who died in Boston in 1906, Abram who died in Boston in 1944), Hersz Leib, Sara Bajla Waksman, and Nycha). Interestingly they had not yet adopted the surname Kadecki. You can see the document on the JewishGen Viewmate service that allows people to post records to be translated by volunteers. http://www2.jewishgen.org/ViewMate/responselist.asp?key=53274

Biezun, 1814 March 21

Groom: Abram Szlamowicz, master of tailor's craftsmanship, widower according to the death record of his wife Liba Abramowa in the metrical book of Biezun, 40 yo, residing in Biezun

Bride: Nicha Azryelowa single 23 yo according to her birth record in the Biezun metrical book, with assistance of her father... (Then it's a matter of a record from the notary MAGEWSKI, commissioned to the Mlawa civil registry, addressed to her father Azryel, master of tailor's craftsmanship; This document concerns banns occurred in the municipality house, March 13 and 20, current year

At the end, the bride is designated as Nicha Ezryelow Eliaszowiczowa

In presence of Jakob Eliasz 63 yo, master of tailor's craftsmanship, Jakub Jakubowicz master of tailor's craftsmanship 58 yo, Iczko Wolkowicz master of tailor's craftsmanship 24 yo, and also Izrael Jochim master of baker's craftsmanship 32 yo, all residing in Biezun.

+ the officer

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