Welcome Message

Please take a few minutes to read this message to all of you: http://kadetskyfamilyhistory.blogspot.com/2009/12/welcome-to-kadetsky-family-history-blog.html

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Kadetsky Probate Records in NY

Jewish Genealogist, Allan Jordan posted on the jewishgen.org list serve “about using probate files and the value of wills and estate papers as an underused source of genealogical information.” I went to the familysearch.org index of probates for NY to research Kadetsky. There are 2 Kadetsky probate records listed in the index, 1 in Kings County and 1 in Erie County. There may be more but the other counties are not alphabetized;
Abraham Kadetsky in Brooklyn, NY
Benjamin Kadetsky in Erie, NY dated March 6, 1924. https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1942-24584-3696-81?cc=1920234&wc=M9S9-LJG:n259245299

These records could include wills and how descendants are related. I don’t know yet how I’m going to access these records or how to check the Massachusetts probate records. I have emailed Allan Jordan to see if he could help getting NY and MA records.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Herman Kadetsky's family mystery grows.....multiple Charles Kadetskys, multiple mothers but one sister Rose?

I found the following obituary while searching for info on the Cambria, Johnstown Penn family. It brings up many questions about Herman and Hinda Kadetsky's family in Cambria. According to their Ellis Island manifests, Herman was Sussman Kadetsky's brother.

Here is the Obit in question:
January 10,1964 Friday Teves 25, 5724
The Jewish Chronicle
-Page Twenty-three
KADETSKY — Jennie Fried Kadetsky of Johnstown, Pa. died Jan. 4. She is survived by six sons, Jack S. Fried, of New York, George K. and Harold Fried, both of Youngstown, O., and Joseph Fried, of Akron, O., and Jacob and Charles Kadetsky, of Johnstown, Poland a daughter, Mrs. Rose Sherer, of Johnstown, Pa. Also 14 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Ralph Schugar Chapel. Interment Tiferith Israel Cemetery.


I don't know who this Jennie Fried Kadetsky is. It seems that she was married to a man with last name Fried and had 4 sons, Jack, George, Harold and Joseph. It is unclear how she is the mother of Jacob and Charles Kadetsky and Rose Sherer.

There is an obit for Charles Kadetsky that lists his parents as Hyman & Hilda (Neufeld) Kadetsky (brother of Sussman Kadetsky from the Israel MOshe Kadecki family tree) and survived by his sister as Rose Sherer. http://www.camgenpa.com/obit/scans/_prgs/obDetl.php?recd=29518

What really confuses me is that in the 1910 US Census; Hyaim (34) [AKA Herman] and Hinde (34) Kadetsky lived in Cambria, Pennsylvania on Market Street. Living at home at the time was Abraham (13), Charles (11), Moses (9) and Rose (2). Everyone was born in Russia/Germany aside from Rose who was born in Penn. Hyaim worked as tailor is in clothing store.

Then in the 1940 US Census we find the following information regarding Herman's family; Herman had 2 brothers living with him at the time. Charles, 58 in 1940 (b. 1882) and Jacob 48 in 1940 (b.1892) are living with Herman in addition to his wife and daughter Rosa. I have found no other documentation of these “brothers” to this point.

There is a Jacob Kadetsky who is buried in Grandview Cemetery in Johnstown PA, the same cemetery as Herman, Hinda, Charles and Abraham. Abram died in 1913 at approx 15 yo, Herman died 9/23/1948 and Hinda died 8/25/1946.

How is this family all tied together? HMMMMMMM............

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Ira Kaye, son of Irving Kadetsky, grandson of Sussman Kadetsky Interview!

I just found an incredible interview of Ira Kaye (Kadetsky) a grandson of Sussman Kadetsky, great grandson of Israel Moshe Kadetsky branch. The interview is something of a genealogist dream interview as he describes how his family came to America and how they lived. He even talks how his grandmother's family (not the Kadetsky side) was involved in the Civil War! The interview confirms that research that we have done and adds so much biographical information that is so hard to come by. The audio and transcript can be found here. Eat your heart out.....

I found the interview of Ira Kaye, after I found out from this death announcement that he had changed his name from Kadetsky to Kaye. Here is the death announcement for his father in the Sumter Daily Event on May 6, 1963:
“Sumter Attorney Loses Father; Service Today
Graveside services were to be held in New York City today for Irving Kadetsky, father of Ira Kaye, Sumter attorney.
Kadetsky, who made his home with his son here for the past year, died Sunday morning at Toumey Hospital after a brief illness.
Surviving in addition to his son are a daughter, Mrs. Martin Schwartz of Long Island, and five grandchildren.
The body was sent from Hurst Funeral Home to I. Weil and Sons in New York City for the services.”