Welcome Message

Please take a few minutes to read this message to all of you: http://kadetskyfamilyhistory.blogspot.com/2009/12/welcome-to-kadetsky-family-history-blog.html

Monday, 21 November 2011

Benjamin Kadetsky in Buffalo ,NY

There is a Benjmain Kadetsky who lived in Buffalo, NY who immigrated from Sierpc, Poland. I am unsure how he is related to any of the known Kadetsky lines. Every once in a while google book search yields interesting biographical information that would otherwise be lost. Here is a good example.

Bulletin by American Newspaper Publisher Association: 1904, p. 212
Glasgow Woolen, Mills, Buffalo NY
"The above is conducted by Benjamin Kadetsky. He is a married man about 46 years old, and has been in business at the present location since Decemeber last, at that time succedding the Siham Taylor Company.
On interviewing the above is stated that he is doing a prosperous business and is meeting all his obligations promptly. He has two stores in Buffalo and one factory which was his former talyoer shop. He also has a store in Akron, Ohio. He declines to give any information further than this. Locally, he is regarded as a man of good reputation and ability."

I think it's nice that 100+ years later we know that he was known to be "a man of good reputation and ability."

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Israel Moshe Kadecki update

In July the JRI Poland website updated their Sierpc index with records dating back to the 1850s. Included in these new records is a 1853 marriage record between Izrael Hersz Kadecki and Maria Sobol.  Izrael's parents are listed as Jakob and Frymet Kadecki and Maria's parents are Bajnis amd Chia Sobol. This record connects Israel Kadecki and Miriam Sobol to the Kadetsky Tree of Jacob and Frymet Kadecki from Biezun, Poland. Biezun and Sierpc are very close to each other. Interestingly my Kadetsky branch also moved from Biezun to Sierpc and eventually my grandfather came to America after WW2. I am in contact with a descendant of Israel Moshe Kadetsky. He will hopefully be able to fill in some information about the family. Maybe this new info will help connect the Boston Kadetsky line that Jenni has been researching.......